Warming up exercise library
Probably you already have had singing lessons. You have learned some songs and have tried out some new exercises alone or with your teacher. Or maybe you are a part of the singing group, but practice at home doesn't feel the same. Or you just want to try to start to sing, but don't know how.
But it is hard to make your routines and where to even start when you want to warm up and work on your voice.
I feel and understand you!
That's why I have creaded warming up exersise library subsciption!
Access to online course platform.
Minimum three new videos with mini warm up routines every month
Themed mini vocal workouts addressing different vocal issues
Constantly growing library of warming up exercises/routines
Special bonuses related to developing your voice and vocal abilitites.
10 euros per month, stop and start whenever you want!
First month at discounted rate - 7 euros per month!